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Outcome of harassment cases

No one is asked to be harassed on the internet

No one is asked to be harassed on the internet. You could, however, have influence the way your online harassment case is being resolved. 

Successful outcome of harassment cases

Outcome of complex harassment cases

Harassment cases with images

Successful outcome of harassment cases

A successful outcome of your online harassment case is the most important factors in whatever action you decided to take. It is important therefore to always remain focused on the outcome that you wish to attain. Without such focus, you will have little hope and without hope, the future looks bleak.

Depending on the nature of the harassment case, the most likely outcome should be a swift removal of the offending material from the internet and the sessions of the harassment against you. This initial outcome is likely to brings immediate relief to you and to your family whilst we work on a more comprehensive, long term removal and the particulars of the case. 

A typical outcome of a case of harassment is that it  is resolved swiftly, without the need for formal legal action. Sometimes all it takes a letter (Cease and Desist letter) from your solicitors to the perpetrators of harassment campaigns, for them to stop.

Outcome of complex harassment cases

Other cases might be more complex. For example if the case goes to court where you might want to apply for an injunction to secure your future and to prevent further unlawful conduct and harassment. A court order in cases of online harassment often include an order for the harassing publications to be stopped or removed rapidly and for all offensive online content to be removed from wherever it is posted. From online platforms, by website operators, by website hosts and even by domain name registrars. 

Harassment cases with images

In harassment cases which involved posting of images and videos, the outcome might include the transfer of copyright to the images and videos to you, the delivery up of copies of the images and videos and any other offensive material and passwords where applicable.

If your harassment case involves a a claim for defamation, breach of confidence, misuse of private information, breach of copyright and breach data protection, the court orders might also include paying you substantial damages, compensations and even providing you with a public apology, which would often help to bring a closure to an unpleasant part of your life. 

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