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Internet harassment legal advice

Internet Harassment Lawyers UK

Our lawyers are dedicated and are highly committed to supporting victims of online harassment

Our lawyers are dedicated to acting as a voice to the many individuals who are being harassed on the internet by people they know and people they don't.

Legal help with online harassment

Help with a long lasting online harassment case

Help to track down your anonymous online harasser

Help to outsmart your online harasser

Help with reporting online harassment to the police

Help with online harassment information

Legal help with online harassment

There are very few solicitors in the UK who understand online harassment and who genuinely appreciate the unique experiences of online harassment victims. Many individuals who suffer from online harassment do not know where to turn for help, having been told that the police cannot help them through lack of resources, or that the online harassment which they suffer from is in fact a civil matter and is of little or no interest to the police.

Help with a long lasting online harassment case

Most of the online harassment cases that our lawyers take on are the sort of cases that had been rejected by other firms of solicitors, either because they considered them too complicated or because they did not believe that they could resolve the issue for their client.

We do what is necessary to assist our clients that are suffering from online harassment and we are undeterred by any large and complex cases. Often, volumes of evidence need to be sought and we know just what to do to remove unbreakable chains between the harassing webpages and the perpetrators. We use an app that handles thousands of website links and which make working with volume evidence easy.

Help to track down your anonymous online harasser

We can track internet trolls and online harassers and we can remove websites instantly. We have served injunctions on anonymous users on social media. We are undeterred by any online harassment case and we will do what needs to be done, as we feel passionately about helping people that have become victims of online harassment.

Help to outsmart your online harasser

We have years of experience in internet law and understanding the intricacies of the internet from a technical point of view (Yair Cohen, Founder - learnt to code alongside studying law nearly 25 years ago). We have the extraordinary combination of legal expertise, experience and success, alongside really caring about our clients and getting the absolute best outcome for them. Online harassment isn't just a legal matter. It is a matter that can save lives. 

Help with reporting online harassment to the police

Despite the fact that online harassment is a criminal offence too, when victims try to get help from the police, they are often told that there isn't anything the police can do. For most of those who seek help with online harassment, the law is unclear or ambiguous, which means often, they feel desperate and lost. The police often gives misinformation about online harassment, about what constitutes online harassment and about the law which governs it. We find that the police in too many cases are dismissive of obvious cases of online harassment and by doing this, allows victim of online harassment to be condemned to a life time sentence of harassment, abuse and low self-esteem.  

Help with online harassment information

Because getting help with online harassment is challenging, we share with you here, in as much detail as we possible can, the laws, the practices and the stories about online harassment. We want individuals who seek help with online harassment, to know that they can read, educate themselves and obtain credible legal advice on how to deal with and resolve the matter of online harassment that bothers them so much. We have produced hundreds of online harassment articles, based on real cases, and on dozens of interviews with victims of online harassment who told us their stories and were kind enough to share their experiences of online harassment with us.   

If you are a victim of online harassment or cyberstalking, learn and educate yourself as much as you possibly can. Understanding the law and the issues is an important step in the right direction of making the harassment go away for once and for all.

A successful outcome of your online harassment case is important to us and of course, it depends on what is involved with your case but it most likely will result firstly in a swift removal of the offending material online which usually brings immediate relief to our clients (whilst we work on a more comprehensive, long term removal and the particulars of the case). 

Always feel free to call us (for free) to talk about your experience and to seek advice and help with the online harassment matter that might bother you. Call us and speak to our friendly team of internet law experts who have helped resolve some of the most difficult cases of online harassment in the UK. The call is free: 0800 612 7211.

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