You can track the trolls no matter who they are or where they are. Internet trolls include internet harassers, extortionists and blackmailers.
Cases of internet trolls being exposed
There are different methods to expose internet trolls which vary, from obtaining disclosure orders against website operators, internet service providers and VPN servers to employing our dedicated team of private detectives who leave no stone unturned. You can read more about obtaining disclosure orders (NPO) and internet trolls.
We expose dozens of internet trolls every year. Most of the internet trolls that we expose, are at least, wise enough to cease and desist their harassing activities against our clients very quickly as part of a settlement out of courts. It is of paramount importance for us to keep our clients information confidential so the vast majority of the court cases that our clients are involved with, are covered by anonymity orders to protect our clients' identity. Those cases do not usually get reported. Occasionally, we do report cases where we expose internet trolls as case studies, which you can read on this website.