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Internet blackmail

How to deal with internet blackmail and extortion

Blackmail on the internet takes many forms. Dating websites in particular, provide a breeding ground for extortion cases, particularly where the victim is a successful man. There are other forms of online blackmail which mostly involve the threat to disclose private information about the victim.

How to cope with online blackmail

Do blackmailers follow through with threats

What to do if someone is blackmailing you with a video

How to cope with online blackmail

Online blackmail is extremely stressful for the victim. The idea that they have had control taken away from them could be extremely confusing and demoralising for the victim. Blackmail online is a form of harassment because it causes the victim to feel harassed and distressed. Online blackmail often results not only in financial damage to the victim but also in health deterioration with symptoms such as stomach ulcers, extreme fatigue and headaches and in some extreme cases loss of breath in panic attacks. If someone blackmails you online, seek legal advice as soon as possible. The sooner you speak to a lawyer who has experience in helping others who have been victims of blackmail online, the better.

Do blackmailers follow through with threats

Some blackmailers will follow through with the threat to publish private information about you. However, you need to remember that the fear that the blackmailer will publish your private information is what gives the blackmailer the strength to intimidate you. Once they have published the private information, they no longer have the same level of strength or power. Saying this, you always need to take threats of blackmail seriously and always assume that the blackmailer will always follow through with the threats. When trying to deal with online blackmail, you need to be careful not to place the blackmailer in a situation where she feels that she has nothing to lose. If the blackmailer is fearful that you will expose them or track them down, they might release the private information you are trying to protect and disappear into thin air.

What to do if someone is blackmailing you with a video

If someone is blackmailing you with a video you should seek legal advice, immediately. Your lawyer should be able to provide you with a strategy that will help you deter your blackmailer from publishing the video or publishing future videos. Your lawyer should also help you remove the videos from the internet as soon as possible. We always recommend that you seek legal advice about the blackmailing by video, as soon as possible. The actions that you might need to take could require you to invest financial and emotional resources. The longer you wait before seeking legal advice,  the more resources you will spend on trying to deal with the blackmailer yourself. These are not only financial resources but also emotional strength and physical health resources.

In the beginning of the extortion process, you will have far more strength to fight back. The longer the extortion goes on the less resources you will have within you. Being blackmailed is exhausting.

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