Friday, March 28, 2025
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Harassment and sex videos

What to do with old, harassing sex videos online

Imagine a very low (or very high) time in your life, perhaps a long time ago and you did something that you regret; something that you felt you needed to do to pay the bills; something that you did when under the influence or just something, like performing in sex videos, that you wouldn't necessarily do now based on different circumstances. 

Why publication of sex videos could be harassment

Is it possible to remove sex videos from the internet

What are your rights over a video that you had created

What if the website refuses to take down your videos

Why publication of sex videos could be harassment

Now, imagine those worst moments are played over and over and shared and copied, forever more, on the internet. Imagine those moments but with humiliating texts and defamation words attached to them, posted and linked across the world wide web. You didn't see this down the line when you think back to when those moments were first played out. You didn't think at the time about anything that would cause concern in the future when you changed career or maybe have close friends and family who might just stumble upon those moments when they are online. Nobody is harassing you, per se, but you are feeling harassed by escalating content on the internet.

If harassment and sex videos is happening to you and things are on the internet that you don't want on there, we have no doubt how desperate you are feeling. The impact on the lives of people who have anything about them on the internet that just seems to be increasing by the day, can be tremendously negative. Being harassed online can affect you mentally, physically, socially, financially and even worse. It can be a serious life affecting situation for you and you don't know who to turn to for help.

Is it possible to remove sex videos from the internet

This article is specifically about if you have appeared in a sex video, or series of sex videos, at some time in your life and that material is spiralling around the internet and gaining speed with sharing and linking. It can feel exasperating, if you want to move on with your life but can't because the sex videos are there every hour in every day. Imagine if you could have those sex videos, clips and images removed from the internet, and every website that they are published on, wiped of your videos. 

You have probably imagined this a thousand times but who could help you with that and who does it legally and comprehensively. Who could assist with maybe having the producer sign back the property rights of the material. Who can make the person you used to know and trust, stop sharing the video (revenge porn and you are being harassed by a person by this act) and be made accountable. Who will clear your sex videos off the internet, with legally binding documents because you need confirmation that there will not be any more videos starring you appearing on the internet.

How hard is it to remove sexually explicit material from the internet. It may feel like it is impossible if you are in the public eye, or the sex video has already become popular and people have downloaded it and are sharing clips via forums or social media. You may be worrying about the media and any bootleg versions. 

What are your rights over a video that you had created

If you created the original video yourself, you own the copyright to it so we can assert this right on your behalf and usually have the sex videos removed very swiftly from nearly all websites along with links.

If somebody else produced the video, we will ask them to allow us to buy the rights or at least some of the rights to the sex videos, enough to enable us to assert intellectual property rights on your behalf and demand a permanent removal. We will also use various privacy laws to try and persuade website operators to delete videos from their websites. If they don’t agree but they generally do for us, we will then approach the search engines under privacy and data protection laws and they are likely to be cooperative. You may want to read about one case where the producer ignored our client's pleas to remove the sex video off the internet five years after he had appeared in it but with our help, the sex video producer ultimately ended up paying our client £20k in damages, as well as other legally binding agreements. 

What if the website refuses to take down your intimate videos

We can help with any issue of impending sex videos but if it is already out there, if you can afford this, you could possibly take matters as far as threatening website operators with blocking injunctions, which means their entire website could be locked to access in the UK until they remove the offending sex videos.  In our experience, most mainstream pornographic websites are not interested in losing UK traffic so they will just remove the videos as soon as possible.

When we have contacted them, adult website operators will honour a request to remove an intimate image or sex videos, even if you don’t own the copyright to it. In a lot of cases also, we have been able to trademark our client’s stage name and use intellectual property laws to persuade website operators to remove our client's videos from their websites.

If you find yourself in this situation and want a complete removal of sex videos from the internet, call us. We are experienced with the removal of sex videos and images and we move quickly. It is what you need, lawyers that understand the internet and know what to do so that you can move on with your life, as soon as possible. It can feel like an incredibly fragile time for you and time is of the essence. Call us today: 0800 612 7211.

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